Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Change Element: Leadership Design 2.0

In April and May, through various conversations and meetings, one of the goals of the 21st Century Initiative is to identify “change elements” (tasks, conditions, etc.) that when addressed will help MCPS develop into the teaching and learning community it seeks to be. These change elements must be sufficiently concrete and support a plan of action, including identifying tasks, evidence of success and key players.  We will post some of the ideas that were identified recently in meetings to encourage online discussion. As you consider the change elements and associated actions, think about the general outcome that would be accomplished by taking these actions, and if it is consistent with overall 21st century goals.

Change element 9: Institute 21st century systems to govern and support all operations and schools.
Dynamic learning needs to occur at all levels of the organization. The entire 21st century team will be connected through various Web 2.0 technologies and will hold weekly cyber-meetings and monthly live meetings.
1. Decide upon a social media system (e.g., Facebook, 4Square, Twitter) on which all members will remain current.
2. Develop expectations for participation (e.g., all principals, some teachers, community members, and students)
3. Use this experience to define qualities of new hires.
4. Use this technology to encourage educators to participate in the conversation.

Prompts: If accomplished, what will be the benefit/outcome of this change element? What is the goal of this change element? How do these action items support the change element? What others might you include?

Change Element: Enhance Learning Environments

In April and May, through various conversations and meetings, one of the goals of the 21st Century Initiative is to identify “change elements” (tasks, conditions, etc.) that when addressed will help MCPS develop into the teaching and learning community it seeks to be. These change elements must be sufficiently concrete and support a plan of action, including identifying tasks, evidence of success and key players.  We will post some of the ideas that were identified recently in meetings to encourage online discussion. As you consider the change elements and associated actions, think about the general outcome that would be accomplished by taking these actions, and if it is consistent with overall 21st century goals.

Change Element 8: Maintain safe, affirming and enriched learning environments, which promote the specific conditions that foster student enrichment. Identify those conditions (e.g., environmental improvements) within the school and community to enrich the learning experience.
1. Recruit a group of principals, teachers, and community members to be a task force for school visits and developing site improvement plans.
2. This team takes it upon itself to actually complete some of the tasks recommended (e.g., repainting a hallway).  If there are physical space issues that need to be addressed, this team will be responsible for making the recommendations and ensuring that it is pursued. This takes ownership out from a hierarchical organization.

Prompts: If accomplished, what will be the benefit/outcome of this change element? What is the goal of this change element? How do these action items support the change element? What others might you include?

Change Element: Support for Early Adopters

In April and May, through various conversations and meetings, one of the goals of the 21st Century Initiative is to identify “change elements” (tasks, conditions, etc.) that when addressed will help MCPS develop into the teaching and learning community it seeks to be. These change elements must be sufficiently concrete and support a plan of action, including identifying tasks, evidence of success and key players.  We will post some of the ideas that were identified recently in meetings to encourage online discussion. As you consider the change elements and associated actions, think about the general outcome that would be accomplished by taking these actions, and if it is consistent with the overall 21st century goals.

Change Element 7: Identify and allocate resources, strengthen support structures, and create professional learning opportunities, so that technology integration is embedded across the entire 21st Century Initiative. Create a supported structure for educators willing to be early adopters.Possible Actions:
1. Recruit from all employees (and include community members) a 2011-2012 class of early adopters.
2. Early adopters will work across buildings to re-shape practices and support one another.
3. Greater freedom and flexibility within a framework of supports and expectations.
4. Since the day cannot be rescheduled for them, they will be allowed flexibility in making and pursuing flexible schedules and class design.
5. A senior administrator will liaison with this group to help support their efforts. 

Prompts: If accomplished, what will be the benefit/outcome of this change element? What is the goal of this change element? How do these action items support the change element? What others might you include?

Change Element: Learning Anywhere, Anytime

In April and May, through various conversations and meetings, one of the goals of the 21st Century Initiative is to identify “change elements” (tasks, conditions, etc.) that when addressed will help MCPS develop into the teaching and learning community it seeks to be. These change elements must be sufficiently concrete and support a plan of action, including identifying tasks, evidence of success and key players.  We will post some of the ideas that were identified recently in meetings to encourage online discussion. As you consider the change elements and associated actions, think about the general outcome that would be accomplished by taking these actions, and if it is consistent with the overall 21st century goals.

Change Element 6: Anytime, Anywhere LearningAction items:
1. Zero hour courses*
2. Tiered instruction focused on identifying the next right instructional step for students.
3. Relax age based structures

Prompts: If accomplished, what will be the benefit/outcome of this change element? What is the goal of this change element? How do these action items support the change element? What others might you include?

Change Element: Greater Collaboration

In April and May, through various conversations and meetings, one of the goals of the 21st Century Initiative is to identify “change elements” (tasks, conditions, etc.) that when addressed will help MCPS develop into the teaching and learning community it seeks to be. These change elements must be sufficiently concrete and support a plan of action, including identifying tasks, evidence of success and key players.  We will post some of the ideas that were identified recently in meetings to encourage online discussion. As you consider the change elements and associated actions, think about the general outcome that would be accomplished by taking these actions, and if it is consistent with the overall 21st century goals.

Change Element 5: More collaboration among all in the learning community.
1. Flexible scheduling.
2. Media WIKI
3. Curriculum WIKI
4. Migrate information drive to the "cloud"*
5. End drive-by professional development*
6. Restructure the school day
7. Prepare people on coaching/mentoring (how to coach; how to be coached)
8. Develop professional growth plans
9. Value innovation, creativity, and risk taking
Prompts: If accomplished, what will be the benefit/outcome of this change element? What is the goal of this change element? How do these action items support the change element? What others might you include?

Change Element: Greater Transparency in Communication

In April and May, through various conversations and meetings, one of the goals of the 21st Century Initiative is to identify “change elements” (tasks, conditions, etc.) that when addressed will help MCPS develop into the teaching and learning community it seeks to be. These change elements must be sufficiently concrete and support a plan of action, including identifying tasks, evidence of success and key players.  We will post some of the ideas that were identified recently in meetings to encourage online discussion. As you consider the change elements and associated actions, think about the general outcome that would be accomplished by taking these actions, and if it is consistent with the overall 21st century goals.

Change Element 4: Create more transparent communication in an effort to be more community oriented

1. Have schools develop a regular (weekly, monthly, quarterly) video report on “This week in the 21st century.”
2. Create a digital portfolio of 21st century practices*
4. Remove ambiguity in district and building documents (create a place for feedback).

If accomplished, what will be the benefit/outcome of this change element? What is the goal of this change element? How do these action items support the change element? What others might you include?

Change Element: Improve Student Engagement

In April and May, through various conversations and meetings, one of the goals of the 21st Century Initiative is to identify “change elements” (tasks, conditions, etc.) that when addressed will help MCPS develop into the teaching and learning community it seeks to be. These change elements must be sufficiently concrete and support a plan of action, including identifying tasks, evidence of success and key players.  We will post some of the ideas that were identified recently in meetings to encourage online discussion. As you consider the change elements and associated actions, think about the general outcome that would be accomplished by taking these actions, and if it is consistent with the overall 21st century goals.

Change Element 3: Improve Student Engagement
1. Increase the active pedagogy experiences (project-based learning)
2. Create WIKI
3. Assessment that better reflects the learning and informs instruction
4. Value creativity, innovation, and risk taking.
5. Learning by doing and participating but recognize that there are many pathways to achieve


If accomplished, what will be the benefit/outcome of this change element? What is the goal of this change element? How do these action items support the change element? What others might you include?

Change Element: Student Connectedness

In April and May, through various conversations and meetings, one of the goals of the 21st Century Initiative is to identify “change elements” (tasks, conditions, etc.) that when addressed will help MCPS develop into the teaching and learning community it seeks to be. These change elements must be sufficiently concrete and support a plan of action, including identifying tasks, evidence of success and key players.  We will post some of the ideas that were identified recently in meetings to encourage online discussion. As you consider the change elements and associated actions, think about the general outcome that would be accomplished by taking these actions, and if it is consistent with the overall 21st century goals.

Change Element 2: Student Connectedness

Possible Action Items:
1. My Voices Survey as a way to measure student and adult perception of the learning environment.
2. WIKI in which students participate in curriculum development and enactment
 Prompts: If accomplished, what will be the benefit/outcome of this change element? What is the goal of this change element? How do these action items support the change element? What others might you include?

Change Element: Defining & Demonstrating 21st Century

In April and May, through various conversations and meetings, one of the goals of the 21st Century Initiative is to identify “change elements” (tasks, conditions, etc.) that when addressed will help MCPS develop into the teaching and learning community it seeks to be. These change elements must be sufficiently concrete and support a plan of action, including identifying tasks, evidence of success and key players.  We will post some of the ideas that were identified recently in meetings to encourage online discussion. As you consider the change elements and associated actions, think about the general outcome that would be accomplished by taking these actions, and if it is consistent with the overall 21st century goals. Here is the first element:

Define "21st Century" and demonstrate what it looks like.

Possible Action Items:
1. Introduce 21st century competencies (student outcomes)
2. Pilot projects at every level

Prompts: If accomplished, what will be the benefit/outcome of this change element? What is the goal of this change? How do these action items support the change element? What others might you include?